Medical Scientific Exchange Partners, Inc. Population Health Researhcersce

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Delivering on the promise.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the quality of care is evaluated through 3 general perspectives: Effectiveness, Safety, and People Centricity as measured by Timeliness, Equality, Intergratedness, and Efficiency.

At MSX, we believe that VALUE should be related to PRINCIPLES, not returns/profits, and the definition of QUALITY in healthcare should not be variable but fixed instead. Below are the 9 categories of healthcare quality evaluation as determined by MSX.

  1. Purposeful

  2. Ethical

  3. Unbiased

  4. Culturally sensitive

  5. Accessible

  6. Timely

  7. Affordable

  8. Sustainable

  9. Integrated

MSX is building a new healthcare system for humans!

Why, wipe the slate and start anew?

Unincumbered by archaic systems, MSX is ushering change, building next-generation systems uninhibited by bureaucracy.